Here are some helpful resources for learning to play the piano.
Piano Information
This site gives you an overview of pianos in general. It is helpful when looking for more information about the history and construction of pianos than offered here.
This site is a non-profit that carries information on piano education. They have over 1000 pages of information relating to piano education. They are a great resource for students and teachers alike with their large amounts of information.
Piano Forums
Join the World Famous Piano Forums at Piano World (it's FREE). They have a lot of users who actively contribute to this forum, answering all sorts of questions that people have. They also have tips on getting through difficult parts in songs (all you have to do is ask!).
Online Piano Lessons
This site has lots of helpful information about playing the piano.
Music Schools of Note
(pun not originally intended, but I thought it was funny)
This is probably the world's most renowned music school. They also have art and drama programs as well. Aspire to go here if you want to be really really really good at piano!
This school in Ohio is a very good music school. I had a few friends who went there and they are outstanding musicians. As far as I know, it is slightly easier to get into than Juilliard is.